Green Campus
Litter and Waste
• Recycling bins (with transparent bags) beside every general waste bin
• WEEE containers
• Encourage staff and students to bring their own rubbish home
• Promotion of re-usable Eco mugs for tea/coffee
• Replacement of polystyrene cups with recyclable cups
• “Bin Ur Butts” stencils on ground in smoking areas; ashtrays on lids of general waste bins
• Four Bokashi composters in use to transform food waste into compost; compost bins in the gardens
• Recycling boxes for batteries
• Collect waste paper and re-use as note-paper
• Paper Only bins; the paper is then shredded for the compost bins
• Motion detector controlled lighting in all toilets
• Evaluate the college’s consumption of electricity
• Apply for a Building Energy Rating/BER certificate
• Taps were changed so that water is conserved
• Harvest rain water by the installation of water butts – there is already one connected to the nursery roof
• Windmill draws water from well on allotments, and it is stored in a large water tank
• Evaluate college’s consumption of water
• Creation of eco niches and habitats: already in place are a woodland corridor (with stumperies)and a bog garden; presently under construction is a herb garden; future projects include a butterfly meadow and a pond
• Wildlife corridor, orchard and Native Tree Walk on the allotments
• Planting of native and wildlife-friendly species of trees, shrubs, hedges and perennials
• Compile species lists and habitat maps – already underway with the Tree and Shrub Survey 2013-2014
• Participate in the Intervarsity BioBlitz 2015
• Construction of a covered bike-parking area
• Information on bus and Luas options is provided in the college yearbook
• Conduct a transport survey for future improvements
Raising Awareness
• Events such as “Green Week”, “Eco Week” and “Heritage Day”
• College year book contains Green pages, and thought-provoking and inspirational quotes
• College USB sticks, which every student and tutor receives, features the “Reduce – Reuse –Recycle” message and contains a Green Folder (includes the Green Charter)
• Induction week informs new students about the college’s ethos and policies on the environment and sustainability
• “The Green Times” newsletter keeps the college and the community informed
• Media students produced clips on Green Week, the composting workshop and the allotments for Youtube
The Green Committee would love to hear from you – please use our email to contact us with your ideas, feedback, queries and, above all, to join with us to make Pearse College a centre of Green perfection.
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