Speech & Language Therapy Assistant
Speech & Language Therapy Assistant
Speech & Language Therapy Assistant
The role of the Speech & Language Therapy Assistant is to assist the Speech & Language Therapy team in enabling service users & patients to achieve their speech and language potential and supporting families in the areas of speech & language.
This one-year course is designed to give anyone with an interest in this field, a good understanding and appreciation of the role of Speech & Language Therapy and provide for the acquisition of relevant theoretical and practical skills. The course also provides students with the opportunity to develop relevant work-related skills in a healthcare setting.
Course Content
Speech & Language Therapy Theory (5N3781); Speech & Language Therapy Practice (5N3780); Care Support (5N0758); Anatomy and Physiology (5N0749); Infection Prevention & Control (5N3734); Communications (5N0690); Work Experience (5N1356); Understanding Mental Health (5N3772)
- QQI Level 5 Award in Health Service Skills (5M3782)
1 year – September to May (full-time)
Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate or Leaving Certificate Applied, although consideration will be given at interview to any well motivated student. We are looking for enthusiasts. Mature students are particularly welcome.
Employment Opportunities
Successful graduates may gain employment as a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant as per the HSE Appointed Grade.
Third Level Links/Progression
Successful graduating students can enter a range of third level courses in the Health Sciences & beyond. The requirements for entry differ from college to college. For more information, click here
Course Charges
€50 registration fee.
Please note that course fees are subject to change.
Physiotherapy Assistant
Physiotherapy Assistant
Physiotherapy Assistant
Health Service Skills QQI Award (5M3782)
Working under the supervision of a Physiotherapist, the Physiotherapy Assistant works in close contact with clients/patients to help them implement their treatment programmes and achieve their goals.
This one-year course is designed to give anyone with an interest in this field, a good understanding and appreciation of the role of Physiotherapy and provide for the acquisition of relevant theoretical and practical skills. The course also provides students with the opportunity to develop relevant work-related skills in a healthcare setting.
Course Content
Physiotherapy Assistant Theory (5N3771); Physiotherapy Assistant Practice (5N3770); Anatomy & Physiology (5N0749); Care Support (5N0758); Understanding Mental Health (5N3772); Infection Prevention & Control (5N3734); Communications (5N0690); Work Experience (5N1356)
- QQI Level 5 Award in Health Service Skills (5M3782)
1 year – September to May (full-time)
Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate or Leaving Certificate Applied, although consideration will be given at interview to any well motivated student. We are looking for enthusiasts. Mature students are particularly welcome.
Employment Opportunities
Ideal for anyone interested in pursuing a career in the Physio Industry or Healthcare sector. Successful graduates may gain employment as a Physiotherapy Assistant as per the HSE Appointed Grade, work as a Healthcare Assistant or similar.
Third Level Links/Progression
Successful graduating students can enter a range of third level courses in the Health Sciences & beyond. The requirements for entry differ from college to college. For more information, click here
Course Charges
€50 registration fee.
Please note that course fees are subject to change.
Caring for Individuals and Small Groups (Skills to Advance)
Caring for Individuals and Small Groups (Skills to Advance)
Caring for Individuals and Small Groups (Skills to Advance)
Healthcare Support
Pearse College are delighted to continue our Skills to Advance programme which provides free upskilling courses for those currently employed in a business or healthcare sector. All classes take place online, one afternoon a week. IT support classes will be available to students throughout the course.
Course Content
Modules include:
- Spreadsheet Methods (5N1977) – Mandatory Module.
- Care Skills (5N2770) – Day and time to be confirmed.
- Work Experience (4N1168) – Day and time to be confirmed.
- Communications (4N0689) – Day and time to be confirmed.
- Care Support (5N0758) – Day and time to be confirmed.
- Palliative Care (5N3769) – Day and time to be confirmed.
- Care of the Older Person (5N2706) – Day and time to be confirmed.
- Safety & Health at Work (5N1794) – Day and time to be confirmed.
- Infection Prevention & Control (5N3734) – Day and time to be confirmed.
To apply or find our more simply email skillstoadvance@pearse.cdetb.ie or call 01-4536661
QQI level 5 in Healthcare Support 5M4339
Part-time – September – December 2023.
Entry Requirements
- Education: Applicants should have a standard of knowledge, skill and competence equivalent to NFQ Level 4 when accessing a Level 5 programme. Applicants may have participated in primary and secondary education although no formal qualifications are required.
- Aptitude: Applicants must have a motivation to learn, an interest in the subject and the ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies set out in the course.
- Previous Experience: Applicants must be able to demonstrate a moderate range of knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to the course, be able to work with responsibility and demonstrate the ability to work on their own initiative.
Employability Statement
On completion of this Programme, learners may pursue roles within the Health, Family and Social Care sector which may include working as Health Care Support Workers, Carers, Youth Workers or in a broad range of roles in this industry in the public, community and private sectors. Recognition of regulatory and statutory bodies is confirmed for some programmes.
Work placement / work experience may be a core feature/element of programmes in this field facilitating the enhancement of employability and transversal skills.
Course Charges
This course is only available to employees working in the care sectors and is free. There are no course fees applied if you are currently employed.
Pre-Apprenticeship in Laboratory Technician/ Analyst
Pathway Apprenticeship Laboratory Technician/ Analyst
Pathway Apprenticeship Laboratory Technician/ Analyst
Laboratory Techniques QQI Award (5M3807)
The purpose of this award is to enable the learner to acquire the knowledge skill and competence to work independently and under supervision in a science laboratory and to progress onto a Laboratory Technician Apprenticeship or a Laboratory Analyst Apprenticeship. Learners can also progress to a range of courses in higher education and training. Please see careersportal.ie for further information
Course Content
Work Experience (5N1356); Mathematics (5N1833); Communications (5N0690); Biology (5N2746); Laboratory Skills (5N2751); Chemistry (5N2747); Food Chemistry (5N2748); Microbiology (5N0737)
QQI Level 5 Certificate in Laboratory Techniques (5M3807).
1 year – September to May (full-time)
Entry Requirements
- Education: No formal education or qualifications are required although applicants may have participated in primary and secondary education. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate a standard of knowledge, skill and competence equivalent to NFQ Level 4 when accessing a Level 5 programme.
- Aptitude: Applicants must have a motivation to learn, an interest in the subject and the ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies set out in the course.
- Previous Experience: Applicants must be able to demonstrate a moderate range of knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to the course, be able to work with responsibility and demonstrate the ability to work on their own initiative.
Employability Statement
On completion of this Programme, learners may pursue a variety of roles in the biopharma, cosmetic science, food science, physical and mathematical sciences, medical devices, education and research, environmental science, human biology and health sectors.
Work placement / work experience may be a core feature/element of programmes in this field facilitating the enhancement of employability and transversal skills.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this programme learners will have the skills, knowledge and competency to work independently and under supervision in a range of construction and engineering sectors.
Course Charges
€50 registration fee.
Please note that course fees are subject to change.
There are only 15 places available on this course.
Sports and Fitness (part-time)
Sports and Fitness (part-time)
Sports and Fitness (part-time)
Sports, Recreation and Exercise QQI Award (5M5146)
This part time Sport & Fitness course over 2 years is FREE to anyone in receipt of social welfare payments and to medical card holders and offers the chance to pursue a career in the sport & fitness industry.
The course is split into 2 groups, Fitness and Sport, with an emphasis placed on gaining the relevant qualifications and experience. Several theory-based modules, require students to gain a deeper understanding of the various elements in the sport and fitness industry and are perfect for those who wish to pursue further courses of study. These elements combined provide students with a wide-range of further education and workplace opportunities. If students successfully complete the 2 years, they will also receive the QQI Level 5 award in Sport, Exercise and Recreation.
Course Content
Sports Anatomy and Physiology (5N4648); Leisure Facility Operations (5N4667); Kinesiology (5N4545)); Leisure Facility Administration(5N4666); Work Experience (5N1356); Word Processing (5N1358)
- QQI Level 5 Award in Sports, Recreation and Exercise (5M5146)
2 years – September to May (part-time)
Entry Requirements
This course is aimed at those in receipt of a social welfare payment. Prior interest or experience in sport or fitness is important, a leaving certificate or equivalent qualification would be an advantage but is not essential.
Applicants will be called for an interview with the Course Co-Ordinator.
Third Level Links/Progression
Progression to Pearse College’s Level 6 Advanced Soccer and Sports Psychology Course. Successful graduates may also apply through the Higher Education Links Scheme for diplomas/degrees in nutrition, science or related areas. For more information, click here
Course Charges
This course is free to those eligible for BTEI.