Product Design
Product Design
Product Design
The design based course will equip learners with the prerequisite skills and knowledge to progress to undergraduate courses in Product Design and other STEM disciplines.
This course will help learners develop key transferable skills such as critical thinking and creative problem solving through a focus on design as a fundamental process.
In addition, this course will allow learners to explore new materials, technologies and methods of product realisation through the use of 3D modelling, printing and assembly.
Course Content
Combined Materials (5N0764); Computer Illustrated Graphics (5N1929); Design Skills (5N0784); Drawing (5N1862); Personal Effectiveness (5N1390); Parametric CAD (5N5765); Appreciation of Art, Craft & Design (5N0755); Work Experience (5N1356); Maths for STEM* (5N0556).
*Elective module
QQI Level 5 Award in Design (5M2208)
1 year – September to May (full-time)
Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate or equivalent exam, although consideration will be given at interview to any well motivated student. We are looking for enthusiasts. Mature students are particularly welcome.
Third Level Links/Progression
This is recognised by TU Dublin, and NCAD for alternative entry qualification to Product Design (TU Dublin, TU811), Product Design (NCAD, AD212) and other Third Level Institutions for design based courses.
Course Charges
€50 registration fee.
Please note that course fees are subject to change.
Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture
Design QQI Award (5M2208)
There is a growing demand for built environment professionals and the proposed course will provide a much needed stepping stone which will equip learners, on completion, to have the prerequisite skills and knowledge to progress to undergraduate courses in Landscape Architecture and Horticulture.
This course will help learners develop key transferable skills such as critical thinking and creative problem solving through a focus on design as a fundamental process. In addition, this course will allow learners to explore new materials, technologies, sustainability and landscape construction.
Course Content
Design Skills (5N0784); Drawing (5N1862); Communications (5N0690); Work Experience (5N1433); Combined Materials (5N0764); Appreciation of Art, Craft & Design (5N0755); Computer Aided Design (5N1604); Plant ID & Use (5N2527).
QQI Level 5 Award in Design (5M2208)
1 year – September to May (full-time)
Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate or equivalent exam, although consideration will be given at interview to any well motivated student. We are looking for enthusiasts. Mature students are particularly welcome.
Third Level Links/Progression
This is recognised by UCD, and TU Dublin for alternative entry qualification to Landscape Architecture (UCD, DN120), Architecture (TU Dublin, TU832), and Interior Design (TU Dublin, TU975) and more, via the Higher Education Links Scheme.
Course Charges
€50 registration fee.
Please note that course fees are subject to change.
Skills to Advance programme
Pearse College are delighted to continue our Skills to Advance programme which provides free upskilling courses for those currently employed in a business, childcare, healthcare or community sector. All classes take place online, one afternoon a week. IT support classes will be available to students throughout the course.
Course Content
- Creative Arts for Early Childhood (5N1769) -Day and time (TBC): This module aims to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to ensure that each child’s learning, development and well-being is facilitated through the provision of creative opportunities.
- Early Childhood Education & Play (5N1773) – Day and time (TBC)
- Infant & Toddler Years (5N1779) – Day and time (TBC)
- Equality & Disability (5N1273) – Day and time (TBC)
- Nutrition (5N2006) – Day and time (TBC)
- Conflict Resolution (5N0692) – Day and time (TBC)
- Understanding Special Needs (5N1709) – Day and time (TBC)
- Child Development (5N1764) – Day and time (TBC).
- Child Health & Wellbeing (5N1765) – Day and time (TBC).
- Children with Additional Needs (5N2396) – Day and time (TBC).
To apply or find our more simply email or call 01-4536661
QQI level 5 component certificate in Early Childhood Care & Education (5M2009)
Part-time – September – December 2023
Entry Requirements
- Education: Applicants should have a standard of knowledge, skill and competence equivalent to NFQ Level 4 when accessing a Level 5 programme. Applicants may have participated in primary and secondary education although no formal qualifications are required.
- Aptitude: Applicants must have a motivation to learn, an interest in the subject and the ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies set out in the course.
- Previous Experience: Applicants must be able to demonstrate a moderate range of knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to the course, be able to work with responsibility and demonstrate the ability to work on their own initiative.
Employability Statement
This is an excellent opportunity for employees to come back into education and training to develop and enhance existing skills and competencies.
Course Charges
This course is only available to librarians and is free. There are no course fees applied if you are currently employed.
Office Administration to support Childcare Services
Office Administration to support Childcare Services
Office Administration to support Childcare Services
Early Learning & Care
Pearse College are delighted to continue our Skills to Advance programme which provides free upskilling courses for those currently employed in a business or healthcare sector. All classes take place online, one afternoon a week. IT support classes will be available to students throughout the course.
Course Content
Modules include:
- Conflict Resolution (5N0692) – Day and time (TBC): This module aims to provide a Learner with the personal knowledge, skills and capacity to implement suitable strategies for resolving conflict. This module will be delivered online via Zoom.
- Spreadsheets (5N1977) – This module aims to to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to create and modify spreadsheets using common spreadsheet features. Please note this course is self-paced and online.
- Payroll Manual & Computerised (5N1546)
- Digital Marketing (5N1364)
To apply or find our more simply email or call 01-4536661
QQI level 5 component certificates in Early Childhood Care & Education (5M2009)
Part-time – September – December 2023
Entry Requirements
- Education: Applicants should have a standard of knowledge, skill and competence equivalent to NFQ Level 4 when accessing a Level 5 programme. Applicants may have participated in primary and secondary education although no formal qualifications are required.
- Aptitude: Applicants must have a motivation to learn, an interest in the subject and the ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies set out in the course.
- Previous Experience: Applicants must be able to demonstrate a moderate range of knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to the course, be able to work with responsibility and demonstrate the ability to work on their own initiative.
Employability Statement
On completion of this Programme, learners may pursue roles within the Early Childhood Care & Education sector.
Course Charges
This course is only available to employees working in the Early Childhood Care & Education sector and is free. There are no course fees applied if you are currently employed.